The International Musicology Conference which was held on the 7th of August 2019 commenced with a dash of colors as shown in the photographs. The event featured many speeches that showcased the importance and various aspects of musicology. The first keynote speech was made by Dr. Gamini Senanayake of the University of Ruhuna on the topic "Indigenous Knowledge and its Impact on Cultural Expressions in Sri Lanka". This was followed by the second keynote speaker Professor Kolitha Bhanu Dissanayake of the University of the Visual and Performing Arts who spoke on the topic "Perception of Musicology through Teleology: Novel Intellectual Outlook". The last keynote address of the day was by Professor Wasantha Priyadarshana who spoke about "Kalukumāra Syndrome (Culture-Specific Syndrome) A Critical Study with Reference to Sri Lankan Cultural Psychology".
Monday, December 9, 2019
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Workshop on “Research Abstract’’
accordance to the 2019 year plan of the Department of Musicology, a workshop
for the second, third and final year students who are expected to present their
Abstract. The purpose of this workshop is to provide insight into the basics of
research, promote research and prepare the students for the research session.
The event was held on the 21st of June from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
at the Ranjan Abeysinghe Gamut by senior lecturer Mrs. Iranga Samindani
Workshop on Music Technology
accordance to the 2019 Year plan of the Department of musicology, a workshop
about Music technology for the second, third and final year students of the department
of musicology. The above workshop was held at the Dr. Ranjan Abeysinghe Gamut
on 19th and 20th of June from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. by
visiting lecturer Richard Bandara Nikapitiya. The Objectives of this workshop
to gain understanding about the current relevance of Music technology, practice
of group activities, motivation in music technology and discussing the need for
musicians to pursue this subject.
Workshop On “Yoga productivity, Voice training and expression of consciousness”
of the department of musicology, Mrs. Iranga Samindani has arranged a workshop
for the second, third and final year students of the department of musicology. on
17th & 18th of
June from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. at the department of musicology. this workshop
was conducted by visiting lecturer Dulanjee Wijesena. The objectives are to
provide a basic understanding of yoga practice, to gain practical knowledge on
voice training exercises and to develop collaborative efforts among academic.
This work will be useful in promoting leadership, qualities, adaptability.
Flexibility and communication skills.